Gaia 2

Dream of a wonderful world and turn it into reality

Welcome to

This website intends to share ideas and concepts of a wonderful new world namely GAIA 2.0, which is a version 2 of the Earth, 3rd planet in the solar system (or may be the 7th from a visitor's point of view).

The idea is not really to reinvent Earth, but rather to imagine a viable planet, very close to the current earth if not identical, but with a huge difference: it hosts a completly new Humanity.

Humanity 2.0

To deserve this new earth, this new humanity must demonstrate these main traits of character

  • Respectful and tolerant
  • Benevolent and voluntary
  • Creative and opened minded
  • Focused on harmony
  • Guided by self-giving
  • Wisely sharing Gaia with the other inhabitants and its visitors.

Utopia to reality

The current humanity is not so far from being all these; what is missing is a little change in its perception of itself. We think it just needs to discover its Devine part. To help Humanity achieving this, we are convinced that it requires small and big changes in our society.

We invite you to navigate through the various topics of this website and discover how our surroundings, education, social interactions, access to and sharing of knowledge, etc. can change who we are.